Business Guides & Templates
WorkSafe OHSE SubbyPack
WorkSafe has available a generic OHSE SubbyPack – a practical OHSE tool for self employed persons, suppliers, service providers, contractors and subcontractors which will help small businesses to set up an OHSE system.
Any generic pack will always require some customisation for individual business needs around tasks, staffing levels, level of desired compliance etc.
The word.doc format allows for editing according to the needs of your business.
OHSE SubbyPack Management Plan – Word.doc
Improving communications for truck drivers working alone
In 2011 a truck driver working alone died from heatstroke when he walked away from his bogged vehicle near Wiluna in WA. Tragically in January 2015, a 39 year old truck driver also lost his life after leaving his bogged vehicle near Meekatharra. During 2013/2014, Worksafe campaigned to raise awareness of the Coroner’s recommendations following the 2011 incident, and to ensure compliance with legislative requirements related to truck drivers working alone.
Police and industry continue to stress to drivers of all vehicles the importance of staying with the vehicle in such circumstances, as well as carrying plenty of water and an effective means of communication such as an EPIRB, personal locator beacon or satellite phone when traveling remotely.
Are you aware of the minimum compliance requirements for workers working alone?
View the Worksafe Safety Alert for more information.
Download WorkSafe’s Working Alone Check List
Department of Transport Owner Drivers Guide
Becoming an owner-driver is a serious undertaking. It requires planning and careful thought. There are many issues to take into account before you make a commitment to buy a truck and become an owner-driver.
The Cost Calculator is intended to assist owner-drivers and hirers to have a better understanding of the typical costs incurred in operating an owner-driver business.
Cost-to-serve is a well-established approach for learning which customers and products matter most and how to manage them with the proper cost/service balance. Cost-to-serve analysis provides an activity driven view of how specific dimensions, such as products, customers, and channels, consume resources and incur costs. With this complete insight, those responsible for bottom-line performance can make critical and well informed strategic decisions while quickly identifying the underlying causes of poor profitability.