Forum 19 Archive 5/11/18, Geraldton
Busy harvest in the Mid West Region may be the reason for a smaller audience for Transafe WA’s 19th Forum. The amount of content delivered was by no means small however. Day started with valuable updates from Main Roads regional office, and then Mike Buba, Hallie Martyn and Larry Taya from HVS took everyone outside and demonstrated Main Roads new fully mobile Vehicle Inspection System (shaker). Hallie also gave a presentation on PBS vehicles that will be seen on the RAV 10 network in the Mid West from March 2019.
As always, our generous speakers have made their presentations available for download:
Main Roads Regional Update by Mid West Gascoigne Regional Manager Bernie Miller
PBS Report by Road Transport Compliance Coordinator Hallie Martyn
Heavy Vehicles working at Mid West Ports by Geoff Mackin, HSEQ Manager
Drug and Alcohol testing technology by Chris Andony from Alcolizer
Transport Compliance: WAHVL and the NHVL by Cam Dumesny from Western Roads Federation