It was great to finally make the trip to Kalgoorlie and be able to deliver a forum to a diverse Goldfields industry audience. Many thanks go to our generous event sponsors: Toll Mining Service (West) and The Department of Mines and Petroleum’s Resources Safety Division.

Download the Agenda for the 9th Transafe WA Road Transport Industry Safety Forum, Kalgoorlie (Goldfields)
Download the flyer for the 9th Transafe WA Road Transport Industry Safety Forum, Kalgoorlie (Goldfields)
The day literally overflowed with great presentations. Time ran short for open discussion time but the majority of participants were able to stick with us and catch up on conversations and questions during the networking lunch.
Thanks go to our speakers, most of whom traveled to Kalgoorlie for the event, and who have made their presentations available here:
Goldfields Esperance District Roads and Policing: A Presentation by Goldfields Esperance Traffic Sargeant Russell Chamberlain
Emergency Response (includes Legislation, HAZMAT, Emergency Management/PPRR, Reporting Incidents, Identifying Chemicals, Containers and examples). Presentation by Jeff Davis, Principal Scientific Officer, DFES
Dangerous Goods Transport – Preventing the Black Spot from becoming the Black Hole. A Presentation by Stephen Lane, Senior Dangerous Goods Officer, Department of Mines and Petroleum
Transport of Explosives – from blasting explosives to low order explosives: A presentation by Henry Zuidersma, Principal Dangerous Goods Officer with the Department of Mines and Petroleum
Alcohol and Other Drug Testing: A presentation by Katya Sawyer from Alcolizer
Sleep, Health, Safety, Productivity and Mental Health: A presentation by Dr Nick Mabbott, Beyond Midnight Consulting Kalgoorlie TransafeWA
Rollover Prevention: A presentation by Geoffrey Massey, Regional HSE Manager for Toll Mining Services, West