As a not-for-profit organisation, TRANSAFE WA’s ultimate success depends on building strong partnerships with like-minded individuals and organisations also committed to the road transport safety agenda in WA.
Since 2012 TRANSAFE WA has been successfully delivering membership benefits based on our events model. We are now also committed to deliver on our mission via our iNSTRUCKTA! Road Safety Truck project. You can get involved with this exciting project as a TRANSAFE WA Safety Partner.
We need Safety Partners to help support TRANSAFE WA in order to deliver our road safety initiatives.
A Safety Partner will be an organisation that values the safety and the well-being of its employees and the community and is ready to be part of the future of Road Safety education.
Safety Partners will help to achieve key priorities of ‘Driving Change’ and in turn change the behaviour on our roads.
For more information and a copy of the Safety Partner Benefits Table please CONTACT US or APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP.
Safety Partners are TRANSAFE WA members for the purpose of the TRANSAFE WA Rules of Association.
- View TRANSAFE WA Rules of Association.
- View the TRANSAFE WA Privacy Policy

TRANSAFE WA is registered with the Australian Charities & Not-for-Profits Commission.