Loading, Unloading Exclusion Zones
Guidelines, 2010
The issue of truck driver and other personnel safety around mobile plant equipment during loading and unloading operations – referred to as ‘loading, unloading exclusion zones’ (LUEZ) is one of the significant safety issues confronting all levels of industries within the supply chain.
This guidance material has been developed by the Industry LUEZ Committee to assist employers, drivers, forklift/materials handling operators, supervisors, managers, health and safety representatives, and others to implement effective controls to prevent drivers and other people being injured during the loading and unloading of vehicles across a range of circumstances.
It reflects the outcomes of engagement within workplaces across the supply chain in identifying the ‘do’s’ and ‘do not’s’ of effective separation of people and equipment in respect to loading/unloading activities.
To view the LUEZ (Loading, Unloading Exclusion Zones) Guidelines – Please Click Here [External Link]
These resources are made available thanks to Safety Assist – an industry program contingent on cooperation, consultation and participation between the various transport industry sectors. Funded through the WorkSafe Victoria Prevention Fund, Safety Assist is run through the industry partnership of the Transport Workers Union Victoria / Tasmania Branch, and the Victorian Transport Association.